All articles
Can I download my apps to multiple devices?
Can I have multiple users on this app?
Can I share a schedule between two devices?
Can you give me a purchase order?
Do you have a desk top version of Visual Scheudle Planner?
Do you offer an Volume / educators discount?
FAQ about our iOS apps
How do I add a new schedule?
How do I add a step to my schedule?
How do I add a video into my video library?
How do I add an event in Visual Schedule Planner?
How do I add an image to my schedule?
How do I add multiple users to the app?
How do I attach a video to my step?
How do I back up my app via File Sharing?
How do I back up my schedule using icloud?
How do I back up my schedule using icloud?
How do i back up my schedules via File Sharing?
How do I create a new schedule?
How do I delete a schedule?
How do I edit my existing Schedule?
How do I email my schedule as a PDF to print out?
How do I get a refund?
How do I get started using Visual Schedule Planner using my iphone or itouch device?
How do I get started with Scene Speak?
How do I get started with Visual Schedule Planner?
How do I get stated with Visual Schedule Planner using my ipad?
How do I print a schedule?
How do I purchase FTVS for Android?
How do I purchase your Apple iOS apps?
How do I rearrange the events on my schedule?
How do I rearrange the image order on my schedules?
How do I record sound to my image?
How do I reset my password on my Android Device?
How do I reset my password on my apple device?
How do I save my schedule via filesharing on itunes?
How do I set a checklist feature and can I change the label names?
How do I set a password?
How do I set the timer feature?
How do I share a schedule via email?
How do I turn on or off the check list on my schedule?
How do you add a step to my schedule in FTVS HD?
How to create a new schedule in FTVS HD
How to I back up my app via File Sharing?
How to I purchase your Android Apps?
I cannot get my apps to work - Basic Trouble shooting tip for idevices.
iOS 11 Apple update
Is Scene Speak available for iphone?
My schedule does not fit my screen, what do I do?
Our Apple iOS Apps
Quick Start Guide: FTVS Android
Using Dropbox in FTVS HD
We participate in School Volume purchase program for Apple devices
What does the reset button do?
What happened to My Choice Board?
What happened to the reminder feature on the app?
What is a choice board and how to I create one?
What is the difference between FTVS HD & Visual Schedule Planner?
What is the Reset button used for in the settings menu?
What is your license agreement?
What is your privacy policy?
What is your web address?
What types of images can I add to my schedule?
When i share a schedule via icloud i get an error message, how do i fix this?
Where can I find you on Social Media?
Where is the Android First Then Schedule?
Where to find us in Google play store First Then Visual Schedule
Where to Find us in the Apple App store.
Why is my event sound not working?